White Paper



SOIS Cryptocurrency: An Innovation for Social Welfare


With the advancement of digital technologies, a new approach emerges to tackle global social challenges: the cryptocurrency SOIS. This innovation represents a convergence between the cryptocurrency market and social issues, providing a new form of financing for projects aimed at societal well-being.




The cryptocurrency SOIS emerges as a response to the growing need for funding for social projects around the world. In a context where traditional resources are often scarce, this new form of digital currency promises to revolutionize how social causes are funded and managed.


The Concept of Cryptocurrency SOIS


Cryptocurrency SOIS is a blockchain-based digital currency intended to finance social projects and initiatives. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, whose value is mainly determined by supply and demand in the financial market, cryptocurrency SOIS attributes value to its social purpose.


Convergence with Social Issues


By channeling resources from the cryptocurrency market to social projects, cryptocurrency SOIS addresses a wide range of social challenges, such as poverty, hunger, access to healthcare, education, and more. This innovative approach allows investors and supporters to contribute directly to improving social welfare.


Transparency and Governance


A fundamental feature of cryptocurrency  SOIS is transparency in its operation and governance. Through smart contracts and blockchain technology, the process of fundraising and fund distribution is transparent and accessible to all involved. This ensures that resources are used effectively and efficiently.


Specific Wallets for Social Causes


One of the innovations of the smart contract of cryptocurrency SOIS is the allocation of specific wallets for each social cause. These wallets are already designated to receive the financial resources raised, ensuring that funds are directed directly and effectively to areas of greatest need.


Specific Points of Cryptocurrency SOIS


Cryptocurrency SOIS promotes fair distribution of resources for social projects, ensuring that the most needy entities receive financial support.


Through a decentralized approach, cryptocurrency SOIS empowers local communities to address their own social challenges without relying on intermediaries.


By allowing cryptocurrency holders to suggest and vote on social projects to be supported, cryptocurrency SOIS promotes democratic participation and community engagement.




In summary, cryptocurrency SOIS represents a promising innovation in the field of philanthropy and social financing. By uniting the power of blockchain technology with social purpose, it offers a new way to address and solve global social challenges. With transparency, governance, and a vision for social impact, cryptocurrency SOIS is paving the way for a fairer and more inclusive future for all.



Financing Social Issues is an innovative project aimed at bridging the cryptocurrency market with the most pressing social issues of our global society. The SOIS cryptocurrency is the key instrument of this mission, allowing values generated from transactions to be directed towards donations for social well-being.


The areas of focus benefited by the SOIS cryptocurrency are comprehensive and include poverty alleviation, combating hunger, providing adequate housing, supporting immigration, defending civil rights, combating racial, gender, and sexual orientation discrimination, promoting health, enhancing education, assisting victims of wars and conflicts, addressing climate change, environmental preservation against deforestation, and much more.


The implementation of SOIS involves a meticulous process of resource distribution, ensuring that each transaction made with the cryptocurrency generates significant contributions to entities and individuals in vulnerable situations. The controlled deflation of the currency through a programmed token burn aims to maintain a sustainable economic balance, while the cryptocurrency contract transparently details this distribution, thereby promoting trust and credibility in the project.


One of SOIS’ differentiators is its explicit commitment to social causes in its contract, making it the first cryptocurrency dedicated exclusively to these issues. This not only highlights the seriousness and integrity of the project but also strengthens the connection between investors and the coin’s social mission.


Furthermore, SOIS fills a crucial gap by providing resources for social actions in areas where traditional financial institutions face difficulties. The Blockchain technology underpinning the cryptocurrency enables fast, cost-effective, transparent, and secure resource transfers, allowing donations to reach any part of the world within minutes. This is particularly important in remote regions or those affected by conflicts where access to money is limited.

By engaging the cryptocurrency market in such an important global cause, SOIS not only facilitates the flow of funds to citizens and social organizations worldwide but also raises awareness and interest in these issues. The cryptocurrency represents not just a financial tool but a vehicle for positive social change. 


In summary, SOIS represents a pioneering initiative that aims not only to revolutionize the financial sector but also to promote positive social impact on a global scale. By turning investors into agents of change and directing resources to social actions worldwide, SOIS is paving the way for a fairer, more equal, and more compassionate future.



Financing Social Issues is a collective effort aimed at making the world a better place. Our mission goes beyond merely observing social problems; we are committed to addressing the most pressing challenges of our global society. To achieve this goal, we rely on the powerful tool of the SOIS cryptocurrency, which enables us to finance, educate, advise, and support entities, social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and other organizations dedicated to advancing social development goals worldwide.


Our vision extends beyond offering mere piecemeal solutions; we seek to establish a system of accessible and sustainable solutions capable of making a significant contribution to resolving the social issues affecting our global community. We believe that the SOIS cryptocurrency is more than just a financial tool; it represents a social call, imbuing blockchain technology with a humanitarian dimension.


New members who join our ecosystem become part of a network dedicated to addressing social issues. This participation is underpinned by principles of traceability and governance, ensuring that our actions are aligned with our mission and values. Our aim is to revolutionize traditional economic processes and promote the development and distribution of resources for the benefit of social causes worldwide.


Financing Social Issues represents a significant milestone, being the first institution developed specifically to provide donations from transactions with the SOIS cryptocurrency. Our commitment is to channel these resources to organizations tackling complex social challenges, ranging from issues related to poverty and hunger to combating discrimination, environmental degradation, climate change, and much more.


By investing in the SOIS cryptocurrency, participants are not only seeking financial returns but also becoming agents of social change. This form of investment replaces the need for large financial institutions to intermediate transactions, allowing resources to flow directly to Financing Social Issues and, consequently, to the projects and social initiatives we support.



This holistic and engaged approach positions Financing Social Issues and the SOIS cryptocurrency as essential instruments in the global pursuit of social progress. We are committed to offering a transformative model that not only addresses the most urgent social issues but also promotes a fairer, more inclusive, and more supportive world for all.




SOIS is the first cryptocurrency developed with the exclusive purpose of channeling resources to social causes worldwide. Created with the vision to promote global well-being and human progress, SOIS represents a new paradigm in the cryptocurrency universe, where technological innovation aligns with an unwavering commitment to positive social impact.



SOIS’s mission is to utilize the resources generated by its own existence to support and strengthen charitable initiatives, environmental sustainability, community development, education, health, and other fundamental social causes. We believe that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have the power not only to transform financial systems but also to empower communities and individuals to create a fairer and more equitable world.

Core Principles

  1. Transparency: SOIS is built on the principles of total transparency. All transactions made with the SOIS cryptocurrency will be publicly recorded in an immutable decentralized blockchain, ensuring maximum transparency and accountability.
  2. Inclusion: SOIS is committed to ensuring that its donations reach a wide range of social causes worldwide. Our platform will be accessible to non-profit organizations, local communities, and grassroots projects that are working to create positive impact in their areas of operation.
  3. Sustainability: We recognize the importance of environmental and social sustainability in all our operations. Therefore, we are committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our blockchain network and promoting ethical business practices in all our activities.


Donation Mechanism

SOIS will implement an innovative mechanism for distributing resources to social causes. A fixed percentage of all transactions made with the SOIS cryptocurrency will be automatically allocated to a donation fund. This fund will be managed transparently and democratically by the SOIS community, ensuring that donations are directed where they are most needed.

Additionally, SOIS will regularly conduct fundraising campaigns and partnerships with non-profit organizations to increase the impact of its donations and engage the community in charity initiatives.



The utility of the project’s native token, SOIS, is groundbreaking and multifaceted, revolutionizing the intersection of the cryptocurrency market and universal social issues.

SOIS serves as a pioneering bridge between the cryptocurrency market and initiatives aimed at addressing pressing social challenges. It introduces a novel approach to delivering resources to projects dedicated to tackling social issues, offering a new avenue for fundraising and support.

At its core, SOIS embodies transformation and transparency. It seeks to engage as many individuals and institutions as possible, fostering a collective effort towards social welfare. By uniting diverse actors, SOIS creates an inclusive ecosystem that empowers communities and drives positive change.

Central to the utility of SOIS is its comprehensive ecosystem, anchored by a smart contract that prioritizes social issues. This commitment to transparency is evident in the transparent division of portfolios, ensuring accountability and trust among stakeholders.

SOIS emerges from the imperative for social projects to secure funding, leveraging the growing development of the cryptocurrency market to advance social causes. It represents a forward-thinking pathway towards social impact, underscoring the irreversible connection between the cryptocurrency market and social good.

In essence, SOIS stands as the pioneering cryptocurrency dedicated to solving social issues worldwide, offering a transformative platform that empowers individuals, institutions, and communities to make a tangible difference in the world.


Future Development

In the future, we plan to expand the reach and utility of SOIS through the development of strategic partnerships, integrations with other platforms and technologies, and marketing and awareness initiatives. We are committed to ensuring that SOIS becomes a powerful force for good worldwide, empowering people to make a difference through their daily financial transactions.



SOIS represents a new era of cryptocurrencies – an era in which the power of blockchain technology is directed towards promoting social good and human progress. We are excited to invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we work together to build a fairer, more equitable, and sustainable world for all.



As cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology continue to permeate various sectors of the market, much talk revolves around decentralized finance, or DeFi. This is a broad term representing a variety of applications and projects involving smart contracts and blockchain, enhancing the digital movement of money and creating entirely new tools.


There already exist platforms that can accomplish feats difficult to imagine in the world of traditional finance, all automated, decentralized, and without direct involvement of banks. In our case, it’s crucial for the Financing Social Issues Institution to donate financial resources to anywhere in the world.


In practice, DeFi encompasses many things, such as financial applications built within blockchain networks, often enabled by so-called “smart contracts.” These smart contracts are automated agreements that don’t require intermediaries to execute and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.


This technology is applied in decentralized transactions, platforms, or other software utilizing peer-to-peer protocols and blockchain. For example, facilitating donations or the trading of digital and traditional currencies.


The attractions provided by blockchain technology to facilitate international donations through the SOIS cryptocurrency include, among others, fast, cheap, transparent, and secure donations.


For users in the global transactions industry, the advantages provided by the use of blockchain technology have far-reaching implications.


Settlement time on blockchain takes only a few minutes, whereas those made through the traditional financial system can take up to a week. The agility of transactions implies the difference between being able to donate to social projects when they need it and not being subject to long waiting times.


With decreased costs, beneficiaries receive more money compared to the same amount transferred through the traditional financial system. This suggests that beneficiaries have more funds available and are more likely to improve their quality of life.


One of the significant attributes of the technology is its decentralizing capacity. The ability to make payments, transfers, and donations without intermediaries facilitates agreements between individuals and institutions and reduces the bureaucracy of processes inherent in the traditional transfer model. It’s the arrival of technology as a revolution in the world’s monetary history. The decentralizing aspect of the SOIS cryptocurrency means that there is no government body regulating the currency flows. The proposal of the cryptocurrency indicates that its success will be driven by the needs of its users and the feasibility that the currency has at the heart of societies and social institutions worldwide in need of donations.


Donations in cryptocurrencies in practice


For Ukrainians, digital currencies have been used for receiving donations, for investment in humanitarian aid, food, and medical kits.


Precisely because it is linked to the digital environment, cryptocurrencies allow for greater ease of donation and usage in a country whose banking and financial structure are paralyzed and crippled by conflict.


In addition to receiving donations, the Ukrainian government has been making donations to the population through aid programs for victims of the conflict.



Donation is the voluntary surrender of something one possesses. It is an action based on the voluntary freedom of the individual. A donation always implies the reduction of the donor’s assets and the increase of the recipient’s assets. Normally, donations consist of funds or material goods, with the motive behind them being an act of charity for the needy.


Even though it’s a small word, “donate” carries enormous significance. It goes beyond a simple free transfer of something. Giving a loaf of bread to a hungry person, offering a warm coat to someone feeling cold, or providing advice to someone in despair can make a significant difference in the world we live in. This is the point we want to emphasize. Donation isn’t a trivial action because it’s the first step toward a fairer, more egalitarian society. It’s the starting point to try to rebalance something that has left a part of our society in disarray. By making a donation, we’re directly contributing to the positive transformation of individuals, families, communities, and even our planet. We can always do good. Each one of us and all of us together.


The meaning of donation can also be understood as detachment, surrender, renunciation, and love for others. Are you satisfied with our society? With so much poverty, hunger, violence, lack of access to basic sanitation and healthcare… And you think: I want to donate! I want to do more for my fellow human beings!


Benefits of Donation


The act of donating effectively contributes to the positive transformation of society, institutions, and individuals. Donation goes far beyond simply transferring something for free to another person, as written in the dictionary. It’s an act of detachment, renunciation, surrender, and love for others.


The institutions supported by the SOIS cryptocurrency demonstrate how donations can transform the lives of so many people, both those who receive and those who give.


Here are some of the benefits of being a donor:


– Donating brings a sense of satisfaction and happiness, not only to the donor but also to the recipient.


– Donating creates opportunities for other people, providing the donor with the chance to see their beliefs become reality and inspiring them to carry out more acts of solidarity.


– People close to the donor are influenced to do the same, making their attitude inspiring, especially when shared with children and close friends.


– Donation is simple and easy, and it has an immediate impact on supporting urgent humanitarian response efforts, such as providing shelter, clean water, food, and direct cash assistance to vulnerable refugees and families trapped in conflict zones.


Financing Social Issues is a platform that enables individuals, projects, social causes, and NGOs to receive donations from around the world in SOIS cryptocurrency, facilitating the positive transformation of communities and societies worldwide. By using the SOIS cryptocurrency to donate, donors are leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology, such as transparency, security, and speed, to make a significant difference in the lives of those in need. Through SOIS cryptocurrency, donations can be sent directly to recipients anywhere in the world, without the need for intermediaries, allowing resources to reach needy communities more efficiently and effectively. This not only increases the impact of donations but also promotes greater financial inclusion and empowers local communities to address their own problems. In summary, SOIS cryptocurrency not only facilitates donations but also expands their reach and impact, promoting greater equality and social justice worldwide.



Cryptocurrency exchanges determine the value of each listed coin through algorithms that track buying and selling activity. The more SOIS cryptocurrency is used for donations and transactions, or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies, the more value it will have, offering investors an opportunity for financial gain through its appreciation.


Investing in SOIS not only provides financial returns but also contributes to social causes, representing an effort towards social welfare. SOIS cryptocurrency not only brings financial returns but also the return referred to as the improvement of social issues and the pursuit of a better world, through contributions to social projects aimed at societal well-being.


The objective of SOIS cryptocurrency goes beyond purely financial aspects, based on creating conditions for funding social actions on a global scale. There is no conventional direct investment in the Financing Social Issues Institution. Investors acquire the cryptocurrency on exchanges where it is listed and profit based on the exchange rate variation resulting from changes in value.


Funds generated from transactions will remain in a specific wallet managed by the Financing Social Issues Institution. SOIS investors do not need to make direct donations to the entity. By investing in the cryptocurrency, the generated funds are automatically directed to registered and approved projects by the management through public calls.


SOIS is the first cryptocurrency with a social and humanitarian purpose, whose value is derived from market awareness of the need to address global social issues. Investing in SOIS cryptocurrency is a positive way to use the cryptocurrency market to drive social development.


Dealing with global social issues is about seeking social welfare and a better world. Each investor in SOIS cryptocurrency becomes an agent of social transformation. SOIS is pioneering as the first cryptocurrency centered on social issues and having a social cause embedded in its contract. The development of SOIS cryptocurrency aims to make it the primary means of interaction between the cryptocurrency market and social issues.


The funds raised will be allocated according to the divisions established in the contract. Investing in SOIS is sustainable and fosters the growth of its own ecosystem, as well as contributing to various social causes and the pursuit of a better world.



The team at Financing Social Issues will issue a public call to worldwide organizations interested in submitting their social projects to benefit from the resources generated through transactions with the SOIS cryptocurrency. The selection process will include criteria such as development goals, targeted social issues, and the number of beneficiaries.


The number of tokens issued is defined in the contract, with each specific wallet allocated for its purpose. The cryptographic aspect provides complete transparency to the contract and the project. The funds raised from transactions with the cryptocurrency enable the selection of social projects to be supported. Donations rely on the resources generated through the cryptocurrency, emphasizing the importance of transparency in the contract, which has already been established and disclosed, as well as in the allocation of wallets, collection and transfer of donations, and the governance and administration built alongside participating projects.


For example, let’s consider a scenario where an organization focused on combating homelessness submits a project proposal to Financing Social Issues. The proposal outlines specific strategies for providing shelter, food, and job training to homeless individuals in urban areas. The selection committee evaluates the proposal based on its alignment with the mission of Financing Social Issues, the potential impact on addressing homelessness, and the feasibility of implementation. Upon approval, funds generated from SOIS cryptocurrency transactions are allocated to support the implementation of the project, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the process.


Furthermore, by establishing clear criteria and guidelines for project registration and selection, Financing Social Issues ensures that resources are directed towards initiatives that have the greatest potential for social impact. This approach not only maximizes the effectiveness of donations but also fosters trust and confidence among stakeholders, including investors, donors, and the broader community.


In summary, the registration of social projects within the framework of the SOIS cryptocurrency ecosystem serves as a mechanism for channeling resources towards addressing pressing social challenges while promoting transparency, accountability, and impactful social change.



At Financing Social Issues, we embrace a participatory and transparent approach to governing our ecosystem. We listen to registered projects that are benefiting and holders of the SOIS cryptocurrency to determine the inclusion of new entities to be benefitted. This not only fosters transparency but also ensures that decisions are based on real community needs.


Holders of the SOIS cryptocurrency have the opportunity to suggest social projects to be benefitted during our registration periods, which will be made available on our website. However, the final decision lies with a meticulous selection process conducted by our institution. All suggested organizations will go through this process, which includes public announcements to ensure transparency and fairness.


We use calls for proposals for the selection of social projects, where interested organizations can submit their proposals according to predefined criteria such as alignment with our mission and potential social impact. These calls for proposals are publicly announced to ensure that all stakeholders have equal access to opportunities to present their projects.


It is within the prerogative of Financing Social Issues to open more selection processes as needed, with the aim of including as many people, projects, and entities involved in various social causes as possible. We value the contribution and engagement of investors throughout the decision-making process, aiming to achieve the goals of the Institute.


The entire process will be transparent and accessible through our website, including the decisions made. It is important for us to disclose donations and ensure that monitoring of actions in registered social projects is carried out efficiently. This allows for evaluating the impact of donations and ensuring that resources are effectively directed to promote positive changes in society.


For example, holders of the SOIS cryptocurrency can participate in online forums where they can suggest and discuss social projects. The team at Financing Social Issues will then evaluate these suggestions based on predefined criteria such as alignment with the institution’s mission and potential social impact. Once approved, the selected projects will be publicly announced, and holders of the SOIS cryptocurrency can track their progress through available monitoring reports on the website.


In summary, our transparent and participatory governance, including the use of calls for proposals for project selection, ensures that decisions are made fairly and that resources are directed where they are most needed, thereby promoting long-lasting positive impact in our society.



Funding social projects, regardless of their size, has always been a challenge for those advocating for social justice. Faced with the often scarce resources encountered by social causes, there is a pressing need to explore innovative ways to raise funds, in order to make projects less dependent on traditional funding sources.


Amidst this challenging landscape, Financing Social Issues stands out by offering a revolutionary solution through the SOIS cryptocurrency. This approach not only provides social projects with a new source of resources but also pioneers the uncharted territory of making cryptocurrency market resources available for social causes through donations provided by the SOIS cryptocurrency.


The SOIS cryptocurrency not only represents a unique opportunity to overcome the challenges faced by social justice advocates but also serves as a bridge between the world of decentralized finance and the pressing needs of society. For example, imagine an NGO dedicated to environmental protection facing financial difficulties in sustaining its operations. With the SOIS cryptocurrency, this organization can receive donations not only from individuals but also from cryptocurrency market investors, allowing them to directly engage in environmental protection efforts.


However, significant challenges must be overcome. One of them is ensuring that cryptocurrency market resources are effectively and transparently directed to legitimate and impactful social causes. This involves developing selection and auditing mechanisms to ensure that donations are used responsibly and efficiently, truly benefiting target communities.


Additionally, it is essential to promote awareness and adoption of the SOIS cryptocurrency among investors and donors, highlighting the benefits of supporting social causes through this innovative platform.


In facing these challenges, the SOIS cryptocurrency not only provides financial resources for social projects but also empowers communities and promotes financial inclusion in areas where it was previously inaccessible. It is a powerful tool for driving social progress and tackling the challenges of the contemporary world in an innovative and effective manner.



SOIS marks the advent of a groundbreaking era, where the cryptocurrency market converges with universal social issues, pioneering a new frontier in resource allocation for projects aimed at addressing societal challenges.


It represents a paradigm shift, offering a novel approach to channel resources towards initiatives focused on social change. By seamlessly integrating cryptocurrency transactions with social causes, SOIS empowers a diverse array of actors, fostering a collective effort towards societal well-being.


At its core, SOIS embodies transformation and transparency, forging connections among individuals and institutions worldwide, united in their pursuit of social welfare. Its ecosystem is comprehensive, underpinned by a smart contract that places social issues at its heart, evident through the transparent allocation of funds across designated wallets.


SOIS emerged from the pressing need for social projects to secure funding, leveraging the burgeoning cryptocurrency market’s potential to significantly impact social causes. It represents an irreversible trajectory, spearheaded by SOCIAL as the pioneering cryptocurrency dedicated to tackling global social issues head-on.


In essence, SOIS represents more than just a currency—it embodies a movement towards a more equitable and socially conscious future, where the power of technology converges with the imperative of social progress. As we look ahead, SOIS stands poised to catalyze positive change on a global scale, reshaping the landscape of philanthropy and social impact for generations to come.